My son is currently in the 8th grade. We noticed his skills decline in 5th grade. (coincidentally, this coincides with his move to public school to take part in gifted classes.) One of his teachers upset him so much that he developed a habit of picking at his arms. For two years his arms looked like he had chicken pox, which I have had to address with the school nurse more than once.

I should have put him back in private school right then, but I just couldn't give up on the system and on the g/t program.

He was taking concerta. I have taken him off all meds for now. I have noticed improved humor and his arms have healed...he no longer picks unless he is bored and a captive audience. I think the meds helped him focus and am considering the use again but I am still on the fence, as the meds have eaten away at his social and emotional development. What does he say? He likes drama, he plays trumpet, loves to watch Animal Planet and he likes to discuss video game strategies with his friends. I think I will get that book you are reading. Thanks so much for your response. This is scary stuff and it helps to know that I don't have to deal with this alone.