I've read Myth of Laziness, and don't like it near as much as "A mind at a time," probably because he seems to have moved onto blaming certian children for not making use of their opportunities.

Hi Mabay,
What are things like for your son socially? Does he participate in Drama? How does he fit on the Trinity Scale, (don't panic, I just made it up?
In his academic environment, are his skills age level or age level plus what?
Is his knowledge base age level or age level plus what?
Is his Critical Thinking at age level or age level plus what?

Have you explored Grade acceleration at the school or at the new school?

Does he have friends? From where? Does he get to hang out sometimes with other HG/PG kids?

Good to have you here with us!
Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com