Hi Mabay, I feel for you... my son is almost 8 and I worry that we may be dealing with similar issues in years to come. He is gifted but inconsistent in his achievement level. It depends on how much effort he feels like putting forth on a particular day. I worry that ADD may be a factor, too, but am not sure yet.

What is your son's current grade? When did you start to notice his decline in achievement, and did it have to do with a transition time (such as starting middle school)?

How is his ADD being treated?

What does he say about school and grades, and about switching to private school? What are his interests? Is there anything he is passionate about?

I just started reading a book that may interest you. It is The Myth of Laziness by Mel Levine. I am only a few chapters into it so cannot give a very informed opinion yet, but what I've read so far is quite interesting.