Originally Posted by Somerdai
DS is very verbal and active with me and DH, but extremely shy, clingy, and upset when he’s around strangers.

To me, this does not read as SPD, necessarily, so not sure the OT eval is the place to start. So I agree with PP. Some things about OT evals, at least in my experience, that might help you.

First, the SPD aspect of the OT eval is primarily based on a checklist filled out by the parent on some specific questions. The therapist then compares your answers to the "normal" answers to see if your child scores outside the realm of "normal" or functional sensory processing. So, for example, many people or kids have sensory aversions, but it may not be interfering with their lives and so is not really SPD.

Second, the OT eval is really designed to determine if OT will benefit the child. They usually then recommend a certain number of sessions and set certain goals, each of which to be re-evaluated when that time frame is up. If you are not interested in doing the OT, I am not sure that the eval would be worth the expense. It is really in the therapy that they get to know the child and can provide the kind of info that you are asking about. So, for example, the eval is not enough time for the OT to suggest a sensory diet designed specifically for your child. That is developed over the course of the therapy sessions (although, they may have some very helpful general suggestions). SPD manifests very differently in different children so it takes time to learn the specifics of the individual.

So the neuropsych eval is probably a better choice. Regarding SPD, I found this site to be very useful www.sensory-processing-disorder.com