Originally Posted by DeeDee
Anyone who thinks that ASD kids normally get understanding rather than blame hasn't visited many schools... or talked to the gifted summer camps or private schools that won't accept these kids.
The idea of "OEs" (it has never been proven that OEs are real to my satisfaction) makes this problem worse by taking symptoms that are truly interfering with the child's life and development, and writing them off as quirks of giftedness, which can further delay treatment.

If there was an 'agree' button here, I'd be pressing it!

Strangely, if seen plenty of situtains where the idea of OEs has been helpful to families, especially if Mom's OEs are different from kid's OEs, when the OEs weren't interfering with the child's life EXCEPT that they freaked out the parent-in-charge. (this doesn't speak to if the OEs are 'real' or 'statistically provable' just useful as an idea)

And I've seen just as many examples (usually where Mom's OEs line up with the kid's OEs and we Moms say 'oh that's normal, no on likes to walk around with the seams of their socks wrinkled up - yes, that was me and my DS) where true interferance with the child's life and development was ignored and brushed aside because gifted kids are expected to have OEs. (Even in families that haven't heard of gifted or OE - fi there are enough siblings and cousins then it starts to look normal, yes?) I'm just very grateful that my DS got a chance to have the OT - and I wish it was earlier - and that he seemed to take a giant leap forward while doing it.

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