Originally Posted by DeeDee
We saw an OT when DS was 3 (symptoms like your DS's) and were told he was just fine; she was simply not qualified to see that he had an autism spectrum disorder. DeeDee
I agree that a Neurosychologist or a Developmental Pediatrician is more likely to be able to tease out these complicated situations than an OT, (although some OTs with backrounds in 'Sensory Integration Disorder' are excellent) the bottom line is that if a child is gifted in someways, it is very difficult for any professional to fully tease out what is going on. Even though the people who post here on this board 'get' 2E kids, we don't reflect the general level of understanding of 2E in the U.S. If the Eidies are taking patients they are a good bet. Likewise any of the co-authors of 'MisDiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis' book.

I've been reading 'Bright not Broken' and it looks like there is a wave of folks who think that ADHD is really part of the Autistic Specturm, just that the ADHD kids get blamed for their behavior while the ASD kids get understanding for having brain dysfunction. I'm not quite ready to agree, but I do wonder if there are a whole bunch of kids who are using their above average intelligence to compensate for ASD-like difficulties to the point where they don't qualify for services that they actually need.

We came in through the special needs door, with an early diagnosis of NVLD, which didn't seem to help, but at least it pointed us in the direction of OT, age 7, which helped quite a bit. At the time I was only vaugely aware of 'Gifted Issues' but had been doing way too much unconsious compensation just based on my own memories of being different. The OT eval took a while, but it was obvious that DS was quite behind in certian tasks and his year of OT appeared to help tremendously.

For all the folks who have been told crazy stuff by one OT, I'd recommend to look for one the specializes in pedicatric sensory intergration and try (at least by phone call) again.

Best Wishes,

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