Jamie, what would you do if there was a magnet gifted school your children could attend next year? Would you enroll them even though they are happy in their current school right now? Would you put them to a different school because you believe that they would learn much more there than in their current school? Would you do it even if it meant leaving behind all their friends? Would it all seem worth it even if they are happy right now?

Now is hs that scenario far away from a gifted magnet school? On the educational level probably not, hs may actually work better since most gt schools are not perfect fit for HG+. Of course the social dynamics of hs would be completely different than going to school and you would be in a position of parent & a teacher. I think Bianca is right on that one, it's hard to be a Mom when you are a teacher as well.

I don't think a kid needs to be unhappy before you switch to hs. Hs is just a different educational choice. It may be right for you and your child and it may not. I think you should discuss it with your spouse and hint a little bit to your daughters and see what they think.

DS5 is not unhappy at his school, but going to the junior class would mean completely new kids, new teachers, new building and also full time schedule which he is strongly opposed to. Homeschooling seems like better educational choice for him. If it doesn't work he can always go back.

Dave, talking about hs groups. Have you checked

California seems to be a great place for HS gt kids. I went to see our local school group and I must say there are lots of unschoolers too. One of the comments that sticked with me was "Then my son decided to go to high school and had to work really hard with a tutor for a year because he hadn't done any real academics before." Oh my.

If anybody has any idea how to find out if your hs group has gifted children, let me know. I don't think it's a question I can really ask frown
