
We will definitely let them finish this school year. We do, however, worry that the school can not continue to accommodate them (especially their reading skills). We worry about the endless hours they will spend doing mindless busywork when I could be engaging them in something useful and challenging at home.

The early grades have much to offer aside from acadmeics but I can see their enthusiasm for school diminishing each year. I have watched my dd6's excitement dwindle from K to 1st. While I know that all kids lose that initial excitement about school at some point, I do feel that there is very little taking place throughout the day that really peaks their interest or allows them to really think.

I just wonder if a drastic change to homeschooling is unwarranted if they seem happy. I mean, should my fear of what
"may" come be enough to make such a change or would we be better off taking it year by year and waiting for that true unhappiness that I fear to set in before making the change?

I guess I am just deliberating over whether to be proactive on this and just assume public school will not be a good fit for them or wait and be reactive and make the switch if and when school really starts to be a problem.

So far, we have been offered a grade skip for my DD5 but are choosing not to for several reasons. We are currently working for some single subject acceleration for both girls but are not getting very far with the admin. It seems they really frown on it and think all teachers can adequately differentiate.

I think , though, that it is rare to find a teacher who can successfully differentiate for a child 5 plus years ahead of the rest of the class.

I feel like I am all over the place with this but to try and sum it up. Both girls are happy bouncy social little kids who love to just hang out with kids at school. So, right now they enjoy school but down the road..... who knows?