Originally Posted by Grinity
Personally I think anyone who has to chase around a HG or HG+ kiddo has it rough, so that's my perspective - LOL!

I'm not sure if this counts, but at 4:50am DS2 woke me up b/c he wanted to know why hard-boiled eggs don't hatch chicks. crazy

Originally Posted by Grinity
I thought it was interesting your comment above. On some level his 'outward directed perfectionism' is crankiness and his illness talking, but on some other level, he is absolutly correct, and in a perfect world there would be some way for your husband to met with other who share both his disease and his intellectual backround.
>>nodding head<<

Originally Posted by Grinity
So for me, I think that while it would be ideal for your husband to realise the need for him to get over his ODP (outer directed perfectionsim) and learn what there is to learn from his 'peers' for now and stay alive, I'm wondering if there is a way for your DH to interact with 'true peers' over the internet. Perhaps http://www.sengifted.org/ will know of a few 'recovering GT and BP' folks he can have as pen pals? Or your local GT resource? Or just printing this out and mailing it to his psychiatrist.
I would love for DH to correspond w/ someone, but (for now) he won't. Maybe he'll change his mind. I hope so. Thank you for giving me substance to take to his psychiatrist. I'll add it to "DH slept 13+ hours today."

Grinity how did you get so wise! grin I think we've all benefit from your experience. You must never leave us. laugh