Hi Ann,

I just saw this thread, I was out and about yesterday. I am so sorry for what you are going through. My MIL has bipolar disorder and it is a devastating disease.
I, too, have worried about my children. I read somewhere that the genetic opponent would more of a risk if you had it, more likely to be passed down by the mother. I haven't been able to confirm this as scientifically proven, but I hope it gives you a tiny bit of peace in these tumultuous times.
It must have been truly frightening when DH's psychiatrist confirmed your worse fear. The most important part of this is DH is getting treatment and letting you in on it, that's huge. It doesn't take away the pressure on you though, I know it's so hard and overwhelming.
Take it one day at a time, that' all you can do. I'll bet you are brilliant at figuring out the far-reaching outcomes and potential situations that may happen as a result of your husband's breakdown. But you should try to break it down for yourself. Don't look so far ahead. Take care of yourself too. You have friends here who are going to support you..........
