I�m okay but scattered (pop-corn like thoughts). I�ve attempted to turn down the mental background noise in order to concentrate on an exam I have due next week, but obviously it�s not working.

DH and I have been hashing out worst-case financial scenarios. We found out today that he won�t be able to go back to work. In an attempt to make a long story short: DH told HR/employer that the job he was hired for is making him sick (stress/anxiety exacerbating BP). HR/employer said that if you can�t do the job you were hired for then we don�t have anything else for you. Their reasons: DH�s salary/high profile position/yada yada. So, taking into account other variables, DH and I have been calculating how much time he has to find another job. There�s talk of me quitting school and going back to work. Stuff like that.

I remind myself that it could always be worse. DH hasn�t killed himself. I don�t mean to sound glib. It�s just an unfortunate possibility that we work hard to overcome.