Nik -
Regarding strategies to overcome WM issues - I am not a teacher, just a mom that has hired tutors to work with my kids! This is what I observe:

WM issues often result in "careless" errors. For instance, my daughter has very good math comprehension skills, but often "gets the wrong" answer. Her tutor taught her how to organize and show her work so that she could avoid some of these issues and at the very least, leave a trail so that she could more easily check her answers.

Sometimes kids with WM issues find it difficult to take notes, remember details for tests - even though they have an EXCELLENT understanding of the big issues and how they interconnect. Tutors have taught my children how to "preread" text books (scan headings, picture captions, graphs, read end of chapter questions) PRIOR to reading the text. This helps to alert them to the important issues that they should pay attention to while reading. As they read through assigned text, they take two column notes. On the left is the info, date, vocabulary word, even etc on the right is the "so what" explanation, definition.

Previewing/Reviewing is important. By previewing a topic, it is easier to connect the important details to the big picture during the lecture, discussion, reading. Reviewing what they learned, gives the brain a second chance to store it away in a manner that it can be retrieved more easily later on.

My kids also consciously connect new ideas to what they know - for instance, when reading "To Kill a Mockingbird", my daughter connected what she read to "A Time to Kill" - a book with similar themes. In French, she tries to remember roots to help her learn the vocabulary. And Mnemonic's and acronyms are helpful to (although not so much for my dyslexic son - he has a harder time with the mnemonic than the content!).

Here's a good article:

Ginger - it sounds like the person you spoke with really "gets it"! I hope that the accommodations make a difference for your daughter. Extra time made a HUGE difference for mine.