I have posted before about my middle daughter, who is now 12, here: link to previous thread . She has had difficulties with spelling, phonological processing, writing down information that seems to be right in front of her, & some auditory issues since 2nd grade. But her grades have always been good & scores on state test are consistently high.

I have finally managed to get a psychological evaluation done & had the last appointment to get the results today. So I thought I would share them & find out if anyone had any feedback. Also if you have any advice for placement for next year as she enters middle school (gifted, advanced, honors, etc.)

Verbal Comprehension Subtests/Scaled Scores:

Perceptual Reasoning Subtests/Scaled Scores:
Block Designs/15++
Picture Concepts/15++
Matrix Reasoning/14

Working Memory Subtests/Scaled Scores:
Digit Span/04--
Letter-Number Sequencing/10--

Processing Speed Subtests/Scaled Scores:
Symbol Search/11

Index/Composite Score/Percentile:
Verbal Comprehension/136++/99
Perceptual Reasoning/129++/97
Working Memory/83--/13
Processing Speed /103--/58
Full Scale IQ /120++ /91

++statistically significant relative strength
--statistically significant relative weakness

Composite Scores & subtests/Standard Score/percentile/GE:
Broad Reading/98--/44/6.1
Letter-Word Identification/97--/42/5.6
Passage Comprehension/113/80/11.3
Reading Fluency/92--/31/5.2

Broad Mathematics/116/86/10.1
Applied Problems/112/78/10.3
Mathematics Fluency/91--/27/5.5

Broad Written Language/96--/41/5.8
Writing Samples/121++/92/13.5
Writing Fluency/88--/22/4.9

Academic Skills/107/68/7.4
Academic Applications/117/87/11.4
Academic Fluency/90--/26/5.1

Total Achievement/103/57/7.0

Oral Language/103/57/8.2
Story Recall/104/60/9.3
Understanding Directions/102/55/7.8

++statistically significant when compared with intellectual potential of full scale IQ of 120
--statistically significant weakness (minus one standard deviation)

There is a long, well-written report, but I won't bore you with all of that. sleep If anyone wants details I will be happy to share. The overall factor is that her strong abilities are hampered by her weak fluency/speed.

The diagnosis is that "[dd12] is best considered a gifted student with a learning disability. She meets criteria for a Reading Disorder (dyslexia) with particular impairment in reading speed as well as a Disorder of Written Expression with impairment in writing speed."

His recommendations are:
1. A 504 education plan that offers extra work time for classroom examinations & standardized tests;
2. The opportunity to use a keyboard when possible for written assignments;
3. Using learning strategies of visualization, conceptual analysis, practical examples, & general understanding to integrate information;
4. (synopsis) Make sure she learns to organize her work & does not procrastinate. Because of her slow work speed,the further she gets behind the harder it will be for her to show her full potential.

When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. Walt Disney