I had dd12's eligibility meeting for gifted education as well as a 504 education plan. Both were approved.(!!!) She will start next year in all 3 gifted classes that are offered (science, geography, language arts). If the work load is too heavy, we can back off 1 or 2 of them. She had already signed up for honors algebra.

Her 504 individualized plan has the following accommodations:
*Seating considerations: preferential seating-near front;
*Repeat & simplify instruction: check for understanding of written directions;
*Testing accommodations: extended time (+100%), flexible setting, small group (as needed), allow her to retake assessments that she scores below 60%;
*Use of assistive technology: allow her to use computer for written assignments as needed;
*Organizational techniques: encourage dd to use her planner to keep track of tests, projects;
*Other: reduced assignments for mastery in math & spelling, allow extended time on assignments in class.

She still does not qualify for remediation because of her grades/state test scores. But with the testing we had done I now know more of what she is actually dealing with & can look for help on my own. Also, my mom is a retired teacher in TX who works part-time with kids who may be dyslexic (not yet identified) & she may have some resources for me. If anyone of you have any ideas for us, I am pretty wide open.

When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. Walt Disney