OMG! Did her really take the SAT in 7th grade? I HAVE to hear THAT story!

I seriously might need to copy your paragraphs word for word!
I get so frazzled around the administration! I am not the advanced person who needs a challenge! I'm just a regular gal! My husband's IQ is about 153...Ugh! lol!

I didn't sign up for this...and all of you guys who say that even if the IQ test shows ME that I need to keep pushing, then it would be worth the money...

I am flip flopping so much. I'm gunna call around and see what they cost. Why is everyone taking the WISC and not the SB?

Since I don't this the school is going to tell me which they like better...I may have to chose myself.

I DID find out today, while I was at the (free) town beach, that a mom got her pre-schooler (pre-school at the elementary school) to attend 1st grade for reading. So it HAS and can be done! But the teacher gave the recommendation. Mine don't seem to be, although they aren't saying they won't. I did inform her current teacher of what I was requestion for next year and said.."I assume a teacher recommendation helps." No response.

So, thanx so much for all your advice!
Hopefully I will be posting soon, that my daughter scored and 125 on her IQ test and should be fine working in the 4th grade classroom...but why do I doubt this?