It isn't a joke.

I found this forum because I was trying to google this because I remember reading something about it before. When my son was younger, he made up his own language.

I thought that is what he had done again at first. And then I thought it actually sounded kind of familiar, so I thought it might be Arabic or something (we live near a university and there's a large Middle Eastern population) he had overheard somewhere.

I was talking about it with a co-worker and repeated a few things I'd heard him say many times. One of them is dos nadanya or something like that, which apparently means farewell. My co-worker said it was Russian.

I asked my son what language he was speaking and he said, "The (city we live in) Language." I asked him if he heard it on TV or out somewhere or if he dreamed it. He said he didn't see it on TV or hear someone else speaking it. He said he just learned it.

A co-worker also mentioned she'd read about kids waking up one day with a foreign accent and I thought that could be related too. But, I just can't find what I am looking for.

Thanks to those who took this seriously.