Originally Posted by Giftodd
As others have said, more than anything at that age I think you need to know you are accepted and loved by the people who care for you and to know that you can trust them to help you find your own way.

I agree. And I will make the above my mantra.

Usually when I talk with my dd, I try to help her find solutions. I tell her I am here to help her; I'm on her side. (This has worked for us because she is enough of a perfectionist that if I started to criticize her, it would spiral out of control) But the trick here is that I can't really think of a solution for her. I feel like I explained a lot to her but didn't give her any tools to really help the situation.

I guess just knowing why she feels the way she feels is important. And maybe approaching people knowing a little more about herself will result in improvements. I just have some sadness that I don't have any answers.

Last edited by herenow; 04/27/11 04:52 AM.