I think it is fine to share where a kid is on the bell curve. We have shared how far out on the bell curve our DS is. He knows he is different , there is no denying this and why would we want to? To expect kids who have an IQ of 140 to see the world the same way as a kid with an IQ of 100 is not reasonable. Each point up is a steep climb. There is a big difference between 140 and 150 and 150 to 160 etc and so on.

Our son has not found a best friend yet or a close friend even, but we have told our son that it only takes one interest in common to kindle a friendship. They can share an interest in Pokemon or maybe it is simply their humor that they have in common. Mostly I have been reinforcing that people aren't perfect and there are no perfect friends. It is also more fun and interesting to have friends with lots of different interests. When I hear the perfectionism coming out in him regarding people I do take the opportunity to point out to him what he has in common with that person, "you both like karate."
Truthfully, he is sad that he does not have a best friend yet. Each year I am seeing that he is connecting less and less with his age peers. We have him in a large variety of activities to expose him to as many kinds of kids as possible.
My heart does ache over this issue (okay this topic has hit a sore spot- sorry if I got off topic). I guess what I wanted to say is that my kiddo related to feeling isolated too. Much love to you and yours.