My DD13 has known her position on the curve for about a year now... I think that there are times when the information is pertinent. She also knows about the weaknesses of the test etc. I have found being honest with my kiddo about things has made her trust me and know she can get the right answers from me. She has asked for clarification on information that she is learning from her middle school friends about certain topics that I am sure you can guess what I mean. I am glad she checks up on it because I think a lot of those kids do not have accurate information... I think the openness around her IQ scores has given her understanding for some of the isolation she feels. I think you have done well. Imho erring on the side of honesty is the safer way to play it. As far as books, my daughter tends towards fiction reading. She has been reading Jane Eyre which is really about the isolation of a gifted woman way back when.... and I think she identifies with the characters. There was a vampire series that she read where the main character was gifted and went to college early. HTH