DD5 has decided she can no longer eat "things with faces" - not a major thing since as a family we barely eat any meat, and i was a vegetarian for most of my life, starting when i had a similar epiphany around the age of 7.

the critical moment came when she got really upset about a new lobster restaurant in the neighbourhood, imploring me to never support a place that would boil lobsters alive. she then had to be talked out of also quitting plants ("but they are ALSO BOILED ALIVE! or STEAMED! it's a HORRIBLE DEATH!")

which got me thinking about when any of your kids quit meat? what was the scenario? did it really take? (and if not, what broke them? was it bacon? :))

Last edited by doubtfulguest; 06/25/13 02:00 PM.

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.