I'm looking for recommendations from the mathy people here-- it's been so long since I took any precalc (and there's been significant reorganization in how secondary math is taught) that my own experience is little use to me.

Needs to:

a) move at a reasonably good clip, low repetition, low spiraling levels (so probably a college text is better than one intended for high school)

b) have MANY applications-types questions, and relatively few of the basic drill variety

c) ideally, a good older edition which I can get for cheap. I'm looking, in a perfect world, to spend less than $60 on this.

d) video tutorials or something like that on an instructional CD, meh-- maybe. A solutions guide or online companion site, probably better.

My DD is very driven to practice skills with applications/challenge questions, and not driven by much else, honestly. She's not what I'd call a "mathy" kid (math for its own sake), but she's not slow to catch on, either. Any text probably needs to be well-written enough that I can follow it, because she is definitely not an autodidact with math.


I've looked at Blitzer-- that seems to be the one that I'd go with at the moment, but I'm looking for advice from people who know a lot more about math textbooks than I do.


Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.