I love the great ideas generated in this thread. I truly appreciate all of the thoughtful responses! smile This is what is so great about this place. Love that.

I definitely wasn't assuming that AOPS didn't offer instruction-- just pointing out that the live instructional piece of things is critical for my DD in particular, and that this is a major weakness to be on the lookout for-- in her particular case-- with anything online.

Still, 1hr a week is more than she'd get out of the school's AP math teacher. Meh. The Lial text looks like the kind of thing that would most appeal to her. Might be time to take a gander at what the local colleges are using for 111/112. She has little to lose by trying independent study for it, because either she'll place out of it (and be able to follow the 3yr honors math track), or she won't (and in that case, maybe she can take something over a summer to get back in synch).

They want their majors taking college calculus IN college. That's typical of the math programs that I know about, so really it's just the one course that she's missing. I'm glad that we've opted to not have her follow the typical accelerated-into-calculus pathway there, because the repetition after having seen it for a year already would have been awful for her.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.