Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
The plan is for her to take AP Statistics next year via her high school-- which we already know means that I'll be teaching her the material, since there pretty much ISN'T any real interactive instruction from them.
Ha. I'm happy enough with calculus, but I've been becoming aware that I'm delaying DS's learning the material in AP stats, because I don't want to have to support him in it. (I will have to learn it first...) In his case my reasoning that if I put it off another year I probably won't have to support him may be correct :-)

Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
That "Khan Academy" model, by the way, really doesn't work for my DD. She hates canned instruction. This is why distance coursework isn't on the table, basically, unless it's a pretty high quality program with a good reputation for live instructional sessions.

Can't quite tell whether this is, or is not, coming from a misconception that the AOPS course would be Khan academy like? (I don't think anyone's suggested anything Khan-academy like, so I'm a bit confused.) Just in case it is, what I'm talking about is live instructor teaching, not their free online Alcumus. E.g. this.

Obviously I have no direct experience of AOPS courses, but I have heard many good things about them and the instructors certainly have the background.

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