Sounds remarkably like a kissing cousin to the geometry text that my daughter used.

The first review there is 100% accurate, in my estimation, though what the erstwhile educator posits (that the text would be good for "mathy" kids and lousy for everyone else) is also false because they don't learn the correct foundation either. DD definitely didn't find her geometry course "too challenging" but it was disconcertingly ... RANDOM.

What is even sadder is that families in our school who have not had experience with anything but Calvert math or Pearson (EveryDay Math, then the numbered sequence) seem to think that this is an AWESOME!! textbook... why? Evidently for it's unquestionable superiority over EveryDay Math.

(This boggles my mind. Not having experienced the dubious joys of EDM myself, I can't say... but anything that makes this geometry text look "excellent" by comparison has got to be horrific.)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.