But then I have to feel bad about myself because it makes everyone else uncomfortable.
That is a normal range of human reactions - to me it seems clearly part of our mamillian inheritance. 1000 years ago having one's group feeling uncomfortable was a lifethreatening situation.
But we get to chose what we do with our inheratence, no? If your child came to you with this senario,would you believe her when she lot you that she has to feel bad about herself when other people react that way? what suggestions would you make? For me it is possible to be grateful for the strengths of where I started on the continum, and keep congradulating myself for the babystep I take out of my comfort zone. Talk to people who started out like where you are at, and ask how they worked their way out of it.
What's your earliest memory of feeling like you are making other uncomfortable and feeling badly about it?
I read that 1973 book 'Rubyfruit Jungle' recently, and
to meit was clearly about a highly gifted girl who was being raised by an intense adoptive mom who had very mixed feeling about a kick-ass daughter. That sure isn't what it says on the book jacket, - oh well. But it showed quite clearly how many people react to a smart young female who is thinking for herself and seeing the world through her own eyes.
You deserve much much better from others. As soon as it's possible, go find a peer group that fits you better.
Love and More Love,