I like to invite everyone who wants to argue, be snarky, or complain to post here. I think that there is a time and place for everything, and that we should be kind to newbies so I'm hoping this works.
For 20 year done a practice where I get a chance to examine every upset or mean-ness and unravel it back to it's Point of Origin. I've found that I'm never actually mean without some POO trying to get my attention for a little healing and that after a little bit of supportive attention from a friend, the mean and 'wanting to hurt someone' feeling goes away. I still firmly disagree with folks at times (as you all have seen) and I still 'go reactive' at times as well. But if anyone wants to try that process here it's worth a try.
Being a person with an unusually high IQ in a heterogeneous world leaves all of us with some baggage, and when we get together we see that often the baggage is strikingly similar. Let's at least contain the snark, and when possible figure out what our own buttons are. I can promise that childraising and advocacy have been easier for me with those tools.
Love andMore Love,