having a job that took the last person 10 hours a week and me 1 hour and therefore I only get paid 1/10 of what they were paid for their incompetence!
I freelance, so this is a real problem for me. Mind you, I'm NOT good/fast at everything, by a long shot...but in my areas of skill, I am very fast.
I quit two university jobs because they couldn't keep me busy enough; I ended up surfing the web 15-20 hours a week and feeling like a criminal.
Now I freelance, as I said. It has its pluses and minuses. Last year one of my clients paid me a big lump sum at the end of the year because I had not billed anywhere near the amount she budgeted for me in her grant (it just didn't take me that long to do the work).
I can't bring myself to pad my hours. (I know--the answer is to charge more per hour. But then my rates look way too high.) And yes, in nonfreelance jobs, it aggravates other people and does not make them happy.
The person who replaced me at my old job (the one where I surfed the net 20 hours a week) is constantly complaining that she has way too much work and can't possibly handle it all. Ironically, the system has been "streamlined" since I left and an entire element of my job is now outsourced elsewhere.
(Wow. I never talk about this. The only person who fully comprehends this about me is my husband, I think.)