Okay we're back- finally!

The meeting was weird and I'm not even sure what to say so I'll start at the beginning even though the processing speed issue didn't come up until the very end.

Essentially, the VP came in with this great idea to do exactly what we've been asking for since October. She said that she felt like it was time to give DS a diagnostic test to find out what he already knows in math and where to start from there. DUH! We of course, smiled and said "Oh that's a great idea!"

We did get them to agree that once he finishes their diagnostic, he will begin getting instruction at his appropriate level. For next year, he will start 4th grade wherever he finishes off this year and we will not have to wait until we can scrounge up a teacher meeting. We pushed heavily for him to go directly to 5th grade math next year and pending the daily schedule, that seemed agreeable to the team.

We didn't get a timeline. They all want him to finish the diagnostic test but don't want to hurry him so he has enough time to do it during math time at school. We wanted them to say he would be done by x or y but they didn't want to do that. Okay fine.

The stubborn school psych wasn't there- we had someone else from the district and her two interns. It was fun for them- they've never sat in a meeting that wasn't about remediation before :-) The psych that was there was actually visibly annoyed that the VP and teacher hadn't completed the diagnostic BEFORE this meeting since we requested it in January. She asked them point blank, how they expected to know his readiness level without having tested for it. We enjoyed that moment!

So... we have a lot of talk, with documented (already received via email) plans for the rest of this year and next but no timeline and lots of room to backpedal. It is progress...