Originally Posted by CAMom
So how do I explain processing speed in a way that makes sense to a layman? In each individual conversation, DS's slow and steady approach has been the hindrance to making any progress in subject acceleration or better differentiation. Our goal is to have a very positive, very proactive student meeting where we come out with plans for how the school will meet their published goal of "one year of academic growth for all students, even those above grade level."

Try this:

In this context, processing speed is how fast your son reads a piece of information (9 / 3), figures out what to do with it ("I have to divide 9 by 3), determines the answer (3), and then gets it out (writes it on paper). Some people take more time than others to make each connection.

How FAST he gets the answer is not nearly as important as GETTING it. I believe his teachers are confusing lack of speed with lack of understanding. They aren't the same problem. Your son understands the concepts, which is what's crucial.

This article was written by teachers for teachers. It has some helpful suggestions:

* Emphasize accuracy rather than speed in evaluating the student in all subject areas

* Replace timed tests with alternative assessment procedures

FWIW, those timed tests strike me as being predictors of performance on high stakes tests rather than honest measures of learning.