I tried to reply to this thread quite some time ago but kept getting booted out.
@aculady: thank you so much for the link to the CFR site. Invaluable.

Newest update: school did RIAS IQ test, dd scored 131. Nonverbal reasoning skills were highest score. APAT (auditory processing) was all over the map. Her scores looked like a scatter plot. OWLS (oral & written lang. scale) given twice, 5 months apart: 1st time receptive score was 79, which is below average; 2nd time 113 which is high average.
I was referred by her pediatrician to have neuro-psych testing done & went to a psychologist who submitted a preliminary report to insurance. But all they would approve testing for was the same stuff the school had already done.
So I called the school counselor & she was able to get a Notice of Refusal to Take a Specific Action which I took back to the pediatrician yesterday. He was initially going to refer her to a pediatric psycho-neurologist, but then told me about a study being done at UF that she may qualify for which is being funded by a grant. I don't know yet if they are going to accept her case, but he seemed pretty sure that this was the kind of data they might be looking for.
And on it goes...

When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. Walt Disney