Originally Posted by ginger234
The school psychologist wants to give her a verbal IQ test next year. She has been screened for gifted (SAGES Reasoning) but didn't pass. There is a question of her being gifted with a learning disability, which may have helped her to cope so well up until this point.

Given that her siblings are both in the gifted program, I think it is quite likely that she is either bright or gifted with either an actual learning disability, or at least a bottleneck, where her challenge areas prevent her from showing her full intelligence. It's also possible that the test your school uses to determine elegibility for giftedness is a group test, or a 'screener' that missed giftedness that a private individual IQ test would have picked up.

I don't really know how to show improvement, that is tricky, but I'm wondering about how this issue reflects on your other thread - Is you DH trying to protect DD11's ego by keeping your son at the local school? You say that all the teacher's love DD11 - so I'm wondering if she has DH around her finger a bit? Does she remind him of himself, or one of his siblings?

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