I just found this thread, don't know how I missed it

I love reading about this stuff. Love the swearing stories.
DD was alert from birth. The dr had some concerns when we turned up for her 6 week check and they were meant to check she had all her new born reflexes (like raising their feet when their feet touch the ground and so on, the ones they grow out of) . She didn't. I knew, without knowing anything about such things, that she'd already passed them. She was very deliberately chatty at a couple of months. Don't remember her ever not smiling, though there must have been a time when she didn't.
She sat at 4 months, yet never rolled. She never crawled or bum scooted or cruised, but at 7 months insisted that we help her walk around. After 5 months of broken backs from bending over, once she was ABSOLUTELY sure she'd never fall down, dd let go of our hands and was walking/running/dancing/jumping etc as if she'd been doing it for years. Though until that time I was worried there was something wrong!
We never noticed that she was talking at first - we thought her words were a fluke, but when you watch video of her at 6 months, they were quite deliberate. Though she didn't really start speaking a lot until 12 months. Then she was speaking in sentences by 15 months. She knew all her colours and letters (upper and lower case), could identify and count to 20 (though always missed 16) and would call out 'number' or 'letter' accurately when we were walking around the shops at 18 months. She knew all her letter sounds by 2 and was reading basic words by 2.5, sentences of 5+ words by 3, writing her name before then. She could skip count, tell time to the half hour and add fractions at 3.5. Then she kind of stopped (she kept developing and coming up with amazing ideas, but didn't want to read or look at maths in a formal way) . She wasn't really interested in anything 'accademic' for 18 months until the last few weeks, when she went mad for it all again!
I'll never forget the woman who told me dd would never dance because she hadn't crawled. Lol, I was so worried (what if my dd was desperate to be a dancer??) As it turns out she's a great dancer and very agile, but couldn't care less