Squeaky wheel, that sounds a lot like my son, but like adhoc said the stages kind of seem all like a blur. My girl has been more verbal than my boy from the start. Her first word was a sentence "get out of here" at 6 months old (her brother was interrupting her nursing and I said it a few times that week for the same reason). She doesn't have real words, just "hoo"s at the train, "Rawrs" at her brother, baby babbles a lot. But she sometimes makes sentences. She has said "I did it", which her brother says. Right now she's trying to walk. She's been insisting I hold her standing up frequently for what seems like an hour at a time. She took her first supported steps today. It was an accident. She was standing there and decided to throw a fit and stomped her feet standing up and ended up moving forward a few steps. Later today she did it again intentionally. She's got the strength and now the knowledge, we'll see how long it takes from here.

Eta: I told my grandmother what espy's doing and she said our women always skip crawling. My aunt apparently taught herself to walk by grabbing the ear of their indoor pet Labrador. Mom says I also skipped crawling and went from army crawling to walking. Cool.