My DS 6 was a bit different on somethings.
He pulled himself up on the side of the tub they put newborns in the day he was born, its true, we have it on video.
Never crawled or cruised,
He walked at 10 months
Didn't utter a single word, No da da, no ma ma, just pointed, I don't know how many times I asked the DR. if there was something wrong, until 3 days before his 2nd birthday. My DS and my dad were playing that game where you have a little fishing pole and you try and get the fish as they go around, well my dad had already been scolded, by me, for says some words not for little ears. Well my DS missed a fish and said "G*d D*mn Stupid fishy" You could have blown me over with a feather. I think I started crying his voice was so sweet, even if what he said wasn't. Hasn't stopped talking since then. What kills me is I had to put that phrase in his baby book in the first word section.
Mostly I remember DS seemed to have been born a little kid already, never liked baby stuff, rattles stuff like that. Watched full length kid movies before 1 and so on.
that reminds me of the incident when DD was not quite 2 yo-- we were getting out of a rental car to go meet my DH's former thesis advisor and his wife (like family to us) for dinner... she was struggling to get her car seat unbuckled, and from the back seat, we hear, clear as day, a sweet little girl voice saying
(uhhh... we could
see the older couple that we were meeting... think grandparents/godparents...)
At that point, you sort of have an existential conflict as a parent... I mean, sure, it's PROFANITY with a capital F. The mother of all curse words and all... But still. Appropriate usage, n'est pas? LOL!
Also interesting to read about other kiddos that had physical development that is theoretically "not possible." Our DD was one of those, too. She held her head up and looked at our delivering physician seconds after delivery-- then rolled over! He remarked on it at the time-- with astonishment. (We have that on video, too.) We also know that she was smiling socially/deliberately at ~2-3 weeks old.
She had the most delicate and careful pincer grasp, too-- and I remember that because she used to
touch and fondle my MIL's dangling earrings. She was invariably gentle-- just curious. It was amazing.