DS7's teacher had told us earlier in the year, she could probably try some in-class differentiation after the first of the year. So, I recently emailed her to ask if there was anything we could do to help her get things started. I just got an email telling me that she DID try before the holiday break and that DS7 refused to start the work. He said he didn't know what to do. All the other kids being given the differentiated work finished theirs and DS7 said he was still confused and hadn't even started, so the teacher sat down and helped him.
I am almost positive this is about his perfectionism. It was something new and he didn't want to get it wrong, so he said he couldn't do it. We see this ALL the time at home. He'll say he can't do it, and then 5 minutes later, he's doing it with ease. I don't know now whether the teacher will try again, and DS is unlikely to react differently anyway. I wish she'd told me this when it had happened, so I could have talked with DS to understand what was going on. Now what do I do?!!!!!! Any suggestions for dealing with DS or teacher?