Katebee - I'm just now seeing your post and really appreciate the insight! Your DD has obviously had a tough time and I feel for her & you. Your situation sounds more difficult than what we have faced and I do hope things will improve.

Thank you for taking the time to post and the developmental eye test is great info. Your DD's optometrist can administer this? DS has had regular eye check-ups thru the years (he's now over 11), so I wonder if an issue would be flagged in a normal eye exam? He is due for another check-up soon, so I can ask the Dr about that. Our school provided no insight regarding DS's scores, aside from some mentions that he just made the GT cut-off. That was brought up more than once in his IEP meeting, but no other insight. At that time, I didn't even know to ask about a wide variance in VCI & PRI scores.

The general wisdom about our school is "you have one card to play" in all the years you are there. Whether you have 1 child or 6, you still only have one card. So I know we've played our 1 card, but we still have a few children to go! I'm trying to tread very carefully while also keeping DS2's interests in-mind. At least he is doing very well this year, is challenged at math & via GT, and has friends. The hardest part for him was having virtually no friends because he's actually very social, enjoys sports, etc.

If you wouldn't mind posting or PM-ing me about what you thought of the eye development exam, I would appreciate it. And, again, thanks for responding to my post.