Hi Jewel,

I'm new to this forum so can't give much in the way of advice BUT I had to post as my dd's (8) scores were so similar to your DS's:

SI 16
VO 19
CO 17
VCI > 144

BD 11
PCn 16
MR 12
PRI 119

GAI 138

I just wanted to say that we have had the possibility of a learning disability mentioned to us too (by the psych after testing last month). HOWEVER, on the recommendation of the psych we have consulted a gifted educational specialist and her first suggestion was for DD to have a 'developmental eye test', which apparently is very different from a regular assessment. She notes that if the eye test flags up a problem then that will very likely be the cause of such a discrepancy between the verbal and visual scores. We're visiting the optom mid Feb so I'll let you know how we get on. The other issue she mentioned was performance anxiety; DD appears to know that verbal is her strength and has gradually become more 'frightened' of other challenges, and consequently avoids them. Apparently she even ran away from the tester at various points. In effect she fears failure so it's easier not to attempt an answer if you're not 100% sure it is correct. Obviouslyy none of the above may be applicable for your DS, but I just thought I'd mention it in case it might be smile.
The other ladies in here are so helpful - they've been a godsend for me.
We're meeting with the school on Tuesday to try and sort DD's education to 'fit' her a little better. We've been advised all of her 'issues' have come about due to inadequate schooling. It got so bad she even tried to kill herself a year ago, and now, at eight, she cries for several hours every day. Heartbreaking frown

I so hope you get somewhere with the school situation. Be confident in your assertions - you know your child much better than any school principal or teacher. Easier said than done, I know - I am truly crap at advocating for DD! Listen to Grinity and Dottie, they're pro's at this smile.
Hang in there,
K xx

'I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.'
K Mansfield