I really think the idea of finding some grandmas and grandpas who are seperated from their grandchildren to adopt would be great. it would be a shoulder and friend for you as well.
I know that just breaking lose and dancing around with my little man at that age was fun. As an adult it can be difficult to look stupid/silly/foolish. Dance like noone is looking.
Finding a totolly new skill for her to learn in a class would put her on an equal level with who ever is in the class. This may work for soccer if she has never done it. I always try to help my son see how he is like another child instead of how they are different. this may lead to a kinder gentler world ultimately. See here on this site we are all parents of kids with higher than average IQ's. One commonality amoung 100's of difference- whoa getting philisophical there for a Friday afternoon.