Originally Posted by Cricket2
She's extremely knowledgable about this specific area (I've learned a lot from being around her!), so she wants more than the typical fare for bright kids of her age who might not have studied the topic as much.

She really liked the instructor, but just didn't feel like she learned a lot that she didn't already know.
I think one has to watch out for this problem in kids with specific interests. LOG and where in that age group a child falls also make a big difference. If a child is on the higher end due to LOG or age, and has a specific area of interest, I would steer them to explore a different area that they are less experienced in.

My son loves CTY summer programs, not so much for the academics, but for the social experience. I think he put more effort into learning to swing glowsticks than he did into the classroom experiences. I was delighted to see him working so hard at glowsticking and being willing to persevere even though it hurts when you miss. He knows plenty of kids that wouldn't like CTY because it isn't academic enough. It really is more of a pretext of an academic experience so that kids can get together for a social experience. From his point of view.

Hope that helps,

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