Bassetlover, I am so glad to hear someone else also say that the afternoon classes for THINK this summer are "duds". So it isn't just us. D's application form is sitting on the counter. She needs to write her essay about why she wants to take the classes she signs up for... she would readily take any of the 3 morning classes (esp. Anthro, but she would be okay with the other two), but the afternoon classes just do not appeal at all. So the essay is not started yet. Due next week, so she will write it this weekend. She still wants to go because she loves the intensity, and we can't find any other appropriate bio programs for the summer. A couple of promising research programs that accept sophomores lost their funding this summer

Someone suggested NIH -- those internships are very hard to get, and they do not provide housing. We live in the Midwest, so not this summer. I figured she might apply for one of those the summer after her senior year of HS (her sister will probably be living in the DC/Maryland area by then, out of college, so she would be able to keep an eye on things if younger D is living on her own for the summer).
Sorry to derail the thread