Originally Posted by intparent
Bassetlover, I am so glad to hear someone else also say that the afternoon classes for THINK this summer are "duds". So it isn't just us. D's application form is sitting on the counter. She needs to write her essay about why she wants to take the classes she signs up for... she would readily take any of the 3 morning classes (esp. Anthro, but she would be okay with the other two), but the afternoon classes just do not appeal at all.
Sorry to derail the thread smile

Truth is, we didn't like last year's courses either. Well, we liked, once again, all of the morning, but none of the afternoon.

No worries about derailing the thread. These programs cost a lot, and DD has been *dying* to go to one for years, so we feel like we need to make a smart decision about the one to go to, because she will, at most, only go 2 years, and probably just once.