Dd feels pretty bad at this point. What I am gathering in trying to look at this through a lens of compassion is this:

Dd is already much younger than the other kids and this is her first year accelerating whereas the other kids have mostly been in accelerated placement for 1-2 years.

They are moving through the curriculum quickly. In the past five weeks, they have covered graphs (bar, circle, x/y axis), samples and biased samples, other aspects of probability and stats, scientific notation and converting btwn that & std notation, exponents, decimals (adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying), and possibly some other items in those same general areas.

Some of this stuff I honestly think could have been taught in earlier grades, but Everyday Math doesn't teach division beyond the real basics prior to 6th grade, for instance.

So, there's a lot of new material and dd didn't expect not to know anything. She froze up and got scared when there were things she didn't know how to do and kind of stopped doing the work.

The lying entailed the teacher giving her work to do and bring back which she simply didn't do and then, obviously, didn't turn in and her hiding quiz and test scores from me that caused her grade to drop from an A to a C+.

She was embarrassed and didn't want to ask for help. We do seem to be seeing an attitude adjustment so I think that the game plan is to have her study for the next unit test (as opposed to not even telling me there is a test coming up) and see how she does on that. She's being pretty contrite which I hope continues.

I'm not going to come down too hard on her about lying at this point b/c I think that it was done out of fear and embarrassment moreso than being truly lazy. (and she feels bad enough as it is right now)