I posted on other threads about dd9 earlier in the year. We were preparing to take her out of 5th grade to homeschool, but wound up keeping her at the same school due to some serious assistance from the GT coordinator who really likes dd.

Dd was already in the GT reading class and seems to be doing well in there this year. She got a B in the GT reading class in 4th grade, I'm sure somewhat due to doing the mere minimum and somewhat due to reading being her weakest subject. I wasn't horribly concerned either way and she seems likely to have an A at this point in that class.

This year, she is being subject accelerated into a 6th grade math class taught by the same teacher. The school year started off well with dd's MAPs scores in both reading and math having come up significantly from the end of last year and her having done quite well in math class on the first unit. The GT teacher told me that she was doing really well at P-T conferences.

Dd's confidence has soared; she has a new group of friends; other than one test she brought home on which she got a C+ and on which she told me that she understood the mistakes she had made, all seemed well.

So, come yesterday, I get a call at home from the same GT teacher. Dd is apparently not turning in work, spending much of class time talking with other kids, and not paying attention in class. Her overall class grade is now hovering around a C+. As the teacher and I discussed, we aren't necessarily expecting an A right off the bat, but dd doesn't appear to be trying and part of her low grade is lack of effort and lack of completing work.

The initial plan had been to keep her in the class if the work was too hard and have her work independently on EPGY in order to save her the embarrassment of moving back to the 5th grade class. That, however, was a back up plan if dd was working and couldn't do it. I see no reason why she cannot do the work. She is hiding things from us and not asking for help when she doesn't know something. She has a persecution complex where she insists that we are yelling at her if we even try to explain something to her and she blames everyone else for her problems or tells me "so and so got a 79% too," which is true but irrelevant to her situation.

I did, of course, have a good talk with her last night and went over one small piece of math with which she needed some assistance. She seemed to understand it quickly once I explained it, but it is hard to trust her b/c she has been lying to us and seems to find it shameful to not understand anything or have to do any work.

She should be able to be at a B easily by the end of the quarter in 2.5 weeks if she starts doing the work and doesn't bomb the last test, which is what I told her both the teacher and I expect for her to stay in this class.