Just wanted to check in and see how the medication is going. Did the increased dose of Vyvanse work?

I did want to mention also that we were giving my son a lower dose of Concerta for a while and felt that it worked pretty well. His focus was good, but it just didn't last long enough. Then, when it would wear off, right about the time we got home from school, he'd be a mess for a couple of hours. Very irritable, grumpy, and highly emotional. What helped was to give him a short acting low dose booster in the afternoon before the rebound effect reared it's ugly head. It did work fairly well, but the focus wasn't as good after school during homework time.

Now that we've increased his dose, we do not need the booster. The morning dose lasts long enough, and we really don't see the rebound stuff anymore. Around the 10 hour mark I make sure we are involved in a non-stressful activity. Usually I read to him. Then, he eats dinner, has a shower, we read some more, and then he goes to bed. I guess my point is, I wish we'd increased the dose of the extended release med (Concerta) sooner. I thought we were on the right dose, but evidently not.

I don't think it's a bad idea to try to increased dose sooner than later. You probably have already done that at this point. As you now know, you can usually tell pretty quickly, and you already have a basis for comparison with the lower dose. If the emotional stuff gets worse with the increased dose, maybe a methylphenidate drug like Concerta or Ritalin will be better.
That was our experience, but it is different for everyone.

Keep us posted, and good luck. Thinking of you guys.