Originally Posted by DeeDee
That particular med ramped up my kid too far (it was like several cups of coffee-- really fantastically focused, but also on a hair trigger and tipping over into overemotional some of the time). After trying several stimulant meds we ended up using a non-stimulant one which he tolerated better.

That was him on Sunday. He was totally focused on drawing/coloring/writing in his new calendar ALL DAY LONG. It was crazy. But then I made something for dinner that he didn't want and he absolutely broke down and sobbed... BUT he's done that before (broken down) but the focused thing all day was new.

I haven't really been able to see how it's affected him during school, but he says his days are good. And they just started their NWEA testing this week, so I guess it was (hopefully) a good week to start the meds?? My friend that brings them home from school said he's been really good on the rides home this week, whew.

We have a follow-up appointment with the psychologist on Friday morning, so we'll see how that goes.

Thanks again for all of your input. I know each kid is different, but it's still nice to hear other's experiences.