We recently went through the Merry-Go-Round to which Grinity is referring! We also started on Vyvanse. Our doctor recommends giving a new medication or dosage a 3 day trial. She initially told us one week, but then she said usually you can tell by 3 days. You just don't want to make a judgment based on one day in case there are other factors involved. You are looking for a pattern. Because today is the first day of school, I'd probably give it at least one or two more days at school, and then see if the behavior, focus, etc is consistent. If so, then you can tell the doctor specific times he seems to be focused and other times when he is not. This might let you know how long the medication is working for you. You'll also be able to look for side effects.

That said, you should be able to tell a difference in one day. It's not the type of medication that has to build up or anything. It works for the day you take it and is gone by evening.

Also, these medications works so differently for each kid, so keep that in mind when hearing about others' experiences with specific medications. For example, Vyvanse didn't work for us b/c dh became very weepy and sad. Concerta works pretty well for him but doesn't change his personality. Conversely, I know others have had the opposite experience.

I'd be very interested to hear how it goes, so please let us know how his day went. Good luck; I know it's hard to make the medication decision, but it's definitely been the right choice for my ds. It's not a cure-all, and we still have our share of issues, but it definitely helps him so much. Prior to medication, just writing his name was torture. I think this was due to working memory deficits related ADHD. The week he started medication, he came home, pulled out a blank notebook, and announced that he was writing a book. And he's still working on it! Voluntarily!

Will be thinking of you! I was there not long ago! Good luck and best wishes to your family.