Originally Posted by Nautigal
Originally Posted by Val
FWIW, I don't think that everyone is (cognitively) gifted (if everyone is, no one is). Different people have different strengths, but being a natural leader or a gifted athlete doesn't mean you can also learn algebra when you're eight. Conversely, being able to learn algebra when you're eight is no guarantee that you can run the hundred in less than twelve seconds, nor does it mean that you'd make a fantastic line manager.

For me, intelligence refers specifically to how well you perform on g-loaded tests (these tests measure cognitive ability). Obviously, people can have gifts in other areas (athletics, art, the ability to lead others), but that doesn't necessarily make them intelligent.


Exactly! If everyone were (cognitively) gifted, it wouldn't be a gift, it would be the norm. Everyone may have a gift of some sort, although not necessarily everyone will find it or do anything with it. But no matter how much the PC folks would like it, not everyone is intelligent. To me, intelligence is the ability to learn and to apply and adapt knowledge. "Gifted" in the sense in which we generally use it here is roughly the same thing.

Yes. I am with Nautigal. Everyone could be gifted with something, such as reading, running, shorthand, cooking... intelligence is inclined to the ability of learning. I think gift is connatural and intelligence acquired.