Isn't also a phenomenon of kids with really IQs at 5 losing 20 points by grade 7th or the reverse?

Maybe we just give the child so much stimuli they test really high?

Is it the creative element that makes a real difference and emotional quotient where you can relate and deal with other people that ultimately defines your intelligence?

Einstein or Feynman were able to use their imagination and creatively apply math and physics to their ideas that made them truly brilliant. Not just their ability to do math.

If you ever read Reminiscences of a Stock Trader (written in 1923) it is an interesting look at the psychology of what are generally brilliant people being very stupid because of emotions.

Just watched Larry King (at 5 am this morning drinking my tea) on the brain. And they talked about how the emotionally part of your brain has all these connections to the frontal cortex but few going back. The emotions dictate our thoughts. So if you are emotionally a mess, then you can do a lot of stupid things. But a emotionally really stable person can be a lot "smarter" because they are guided by their brain and not their "heart".
