Where did you find that study. I only saw the one on Hunter adults comparing to telman and that used hunter elementary kids from the 1940s and 1950s. I'm very curious to see how they measured "success." Plus how does the study distinguish in terms of why those entering in 7th were "better" if you just use entrance then this study seems to imply that outerboro kids are smarter since only manhattan residents can apply in elementary. There is no way to tell what those kids were doing prior to admission. The queens kids could have had higher iq's but couldn't go until 7th

And I think your point to Grinity applies to the psychologist - in order to say
the IQ goes down by 7th grade you actually have to test it does your friend have both sets of scores and can document the frequency then he should publish it, there would
be a lot of interest in it. Otherwise it's equally anecdotal.
