Because we can't have enough of them.

Vent warning!!

I'm getting harassed in some community type work I do, and at first I thought it was me, you know the intensity and things. But when I was talking to my mum about it and now I see that yes, I think a lot of it is nastiness because she has a child around the same age who isn't doing the things that mine is. I have never bragged or anything. She doesn't even know half the stuff he does (I haven't told them he reads, for example), but he is very verbal while her child is not very verbal yet and things like that.

There is a lot of passive aggressive nastiness in things like emails, and evidence of gossiping and nasty comments behind my back, but nothing I can say much about without looking like I'm overreacting. I'm trying to 'screen it out' and walk away with dignity - plus not give her the satisfaction of knowing she got to me - but to do that I also have to give up my role. Which I am willing to do, but I still am annoyed about it.

There isn't anything I expect anyone can do, I just wanted to vent. Why do people have to be so nasty? Why do they have to turn it into a competition?